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Private Eye Floaters Treatment London

Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) Treatment 1

At a glance:


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Eye floaters are common and when with flashes risk causing a retinal tear that requires laser treatment to prevent retinal detachment.  


Dark spots, winding lines, fly-in vision, cobweb-like patterns and flashes of light within your field of vision. 


Symptoms arise from changes in the gel of the eye and their pull on the retina. 


Diagnosed through Diagnostic Retinal Screening by the medical retinal Ophthalmic specialist.  


Depending on the severity of the condition, treatment may include retinal laser, retinal cryotherapy, vitrectomy, vitreolysis, or no treatment may be necessary.

Clinica London's hall.

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)


At Clinica London we have two eminently skilled Vitreo-Retinal Consultant Ophthalmologists who specialise in the assessment and treatment of floaters and flashes from posterior vitreous detachment and retinal detachment.

They will carry out necessary diagnostic scans with scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) and ocular coherence tomorgraphy (OCT) and dilated retinal examination. They do retinal laser treatment, retinal cryotherapy, vitreolysis and vitreo-retinal surgery.


What are eye floaters and flashes?

Eye floaters are tiny spots or specks that drift across your vision, often seen against a clear background sky or white wall.

Light flashes are brief stripes of light that appear in the edge of your visual field, especially when you move your eyes.

Both eye floaters and light flashes occur because of changes in the gel inside the eye, called the vitreous gel.

  • The vitrous detaches its position adjacent to the retina and cause floaters.
  • The gel can pull on the retina, stimulating it and causing a flashing light.
  • This can lead to a retinal tear that requires treatment, usually with laser, to prevent more serious sequalae requiring eye surgery.

Floaters versus flashes

Floaters are caused by the vitreous shrinking and becoming more liquid, resulting in clumps forming. These clumps cast a shadow on the inside surface of the retina, which you can see in your vision. This is called “entoptic phenomenon”.

Flashes, on the other hand, are caused by the vitreous tugging on the retina. This can happen as the vitreous shrinks or as it pulls away from the retina, a process known as posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).

While floaters and flashes are often harmless, they can be a sign of a retinal tear or detachment. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience a sudden onset of floaters, flashes, or both. Treatment with laser around an early retinal hole or tear can prevent a full progression of retinal detachment, which would require more complex vitreo-retinal surgery.

Common eye floaters & flashes symptoms

The main indicator of eye floaters manifests as the appearance of dark spots, winding lines, a fly in your vision, or web-like patterns within your field of vision. 

Floaters tend to shift as your eyes move and can become more noticeable against bright backgrounds or the backdrop of a clear blue sky. With eye flashes, you will notice brief stripes of light in your visual field from time to time. 

Floaters and retinal tear explanation

In many cases, eye floaters and flashes do not require treatment as they tend to fade away or become less bothersome over time. As long as these symptoms do not occur frequently, they should not affect your vision. 

You should seek a retinal check-up to prevent further vision damage if you are experiencing: 

  • a sudden increase in the number of floaters interfering with your vision 
  • flashes of light in your peripheral vision 
  • loss of side vision (peripheral vision)  


A vertical closeup shot of an elderly human's light blue eye

What causes eye floaters?

Eye floaters occur when the vitreous, which is the clear, gel-like substance that fills the inside of your eye, develops tiny clumps of gel or cells, which you then visualise as floaters in your vision.

The vitreous can develop clumps of gel or cells due to:

  1. Age-related changes in the vitreous humour, syneresis, or watery vitreous humour
  2. Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) – the vitreous humour shrinks and moves away from its attachments to the retina
  3. Uveitis (inflammation in the eye)
  4. Eye injuries or trauma that cause a PVD or retinal tear
  5. Near-sightedness (myopia) with more fluid vitreous
  6. Diabetic retinopathy
  7. Retinal tears or retinal detachment
  8. Bleeding into the eye from varied causes

Most of the causes of eye floaters cannot be prevented, as they are related to natural processes that occur in the eye over time. Still, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing floaters or experiencing complications from them. These include:

  • protecting the eyes from injury or trauma
  • managing underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, that can affect the eyes
  • seeking prompt assessment and treatment for eye bleeds, eye infections or inflammation

When should you see a doctor about eye floaters and flashes?

Eye floaters and flashes usually last for a couple of weeks. During this time, your brain naturally learns to ignore and not perceive these visual anomalies. If these symptoms persist or worsen over time, you may have an underlying eye problem that requires prompt attention.

In such cases, you should schedule an eye check-up with the Retinal Care Consultant at Clinica London to obtain a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Ignoring these symptoms or delaying medical attention can lead to serious eye complications and permanent vision loss.

​​At Clinica, we specialise in eye floaters and eye flashes treatment in London. Our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology and laser treatments, plus vitreo-retinal surgery, allow us to diagnose and treat eye floaters quickly and efficiently, giving our patients peace of mind and restoring their vision.


Eye Floaters & Flashes Treatment

Eye floaters and flashes are diagnosed during the diagnostic retinal screening. If your eye floaters significantly affect your vision or quality of life, you might undergo the following



Retinal laser of a small retinal hole or retinal tear helps seal the retina and prevent retinal detacghement. All four Consultant retinal Ophthalmologists carry out this treatment; Ms Evgenia Anikina, Ms Stacey Strong, Mr Julian Robins and Professor Michel Michaelides.


Vitreolysis is a specific non-invasive laser procedure directly to the vitreous floaters that works by breaking down the larger floater particles into smaller ones, which are less noticeable. Although the procedure does not eliminate floaters, it can significantly reduce their size and visibility.

This will enhance your visual experience, as floaters can be distracting and affect the quality of your vision. Vitreolysis is a quick and safe procedure, and most patients experience minimal discomfort during the process. It is only advised in severe cases of floaters without retinal hole or tear and with a full PVD.


In certain cases of retinal tear with early focal retinal detachment, treatment with cryotherapy to prevent progression is carried out at Clinica London by Ms Evegenia Anikina, Mr Julian Robins and Ms Stacey Strong.

Vitrectomy Surgery

Vitrectomy is surgery performed in severe cases where floaters are causing vision impairment. It involves removing the vitreous gel in order to eliminate the pull on the retina and replacing the gel with saline or other solution. Although it is a surgical procedure, it is safe and effective in treating vision problems associated with floaters.

A vitrectomy may also be necessary if you have a retinal detachment problem that requires simultaneous laser therapy, cryotherapy, removal of the vitreous humour and retinal peeling. This can include conditions such as retinal detachment or retinal macular membrane.

Clinica London´s Vitreo-retinal surgeons Ms Evgenia Anikina and Mr Julian Robins carry out vitrectomy surgery.


If the floaters are caused by eye inflammation or intra-ocular infection rather than a vireo-retinal traction and retinal hole / tear, our specialists may prescribe eye drops or medications to alleviate the underlying condition. It is important to closely follow the instructions provided by the specialists when using these medications, as improper use may lead to further complications.

What to expect after your eye floaters treatment?

The recovery process after eye floater treatment is very quick, and most patients can resume normal activities within a day or two of treatment. In some patients where vitrectomy has been done, posturing afterwards is important if a silicone oil or heavy liquid has been used to tamponade the retinal tear.

Your vision may be blurry after vitrectomy. You may experience minor discomfort and sensitivity to light for a few days, but noticeable improvement in symptoms should be apparent within a week of treatment.

It is important to follow your consultant’s instructions carefully and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and monitor for any potential complications.

Risks & Recovery

Risks are rare: Every year, millions of people successfully undergo private eye floater treatment, and complications are rare.

Treatments include:

  • LASER to seal the causative retinal hole or tear.
  • Cryotherapy to seal a larger retinal tear and shallow detachment.
  • Vitreolysis (LASER to vitreous floaters directly).
  • Some patients require more extensive vitreo-retinal surgery with intraocular gas or silicone oil and internal LASER performed by one of Clinica London´s two vitreo-retinal surgeons, Ms Evgenia Anikina and Mr Julian Robins. The success results of such surgery under the skilful hands of the two vitreo-retinal surgeons are high, depending on how early the retinal condition is detected. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of vitreous eye floaters causing a retinal tear or detachment is essential.

Risks of the eye floaters treatment depend on the type of treatment you undergo. Note that many patients do not require treatment for their floaters when full examination excludes a serious vitreo-retinal cause. In many patients the floaters settle with time, becoming only noticeable against a white plain background or clear sky.

Although vitreolysis does reduce floaters where the larger floaters are laser zapped to make them smaller, it does not get rid of all the floaters, the floaters just become much smaller.

Those patients undergoing vitreo-retinal surgery are at risk of complications including:

  • bleeding
  • infection
  • increased intraocular pressure
  • cataracts


After treating eye floaters, the recovery process usually involves experiencing minor discomfort and sensitivity to light for a few days.

Avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a certain period after treatment and may also prescribe eye drops to help with any discomfort or inflammation.

Restrain from rubbing your eyes or touching them unnecessarily, as this can increase the risk of infection or other complications.

If you have any concerns or questions about the recovery process after eye floater treatment, please contact us.

CONtact us


At Clinica London, we have a team of qualified eye specialists with extensive experience in eye floaters treatment. Our state-of-the-art clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure the highest level of care for our patients.

Book a consultation with one of our highly qualified ophthalmic specialists:

Ms Evgenia Anikina 1

Ms Evgenia Anikina

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Cataract, Surgical Vitreoretinal (VR) and Medical Retina Specialist

Mr Julian Robins 5

Mr Julian Robins

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Cataract, Vitreoretinal (VR) and Medical Retina Specialist

Ms Stacey Strong 3

Ms Stacey Strong

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Cataract & Medical Retina Specialist

Mr Harry Petrushkin

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Adult and Child Uveitis Specialist and Cataract Surgeon

Ms Naomi Tan

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Paediatric Ophthalmology, Paediatric Strabismus, and Adult Cataract Specialist


How much does eye floaters treatment cost?

Prices may vary according to the patient’s individual cases and eye risk:

TreatmentPrice range
Laser Retinal
Vitrectomy Surgeryfrom £550
Consultation FeesNot Included

Initial consultation fees are not included.

Our clinic operates as a private surgery and is not affiliated with the NHS (National Health Service)


Floaters and flashes are caused by the detachment of the vitreous gel in the eye, which can occur naturally with age. As the gel shrinks and moves away from its attachments to the retina, it can cause clumps of proteins to cast a shadow on the retina, which appears as floaters. The floaters are entoptic phenomena meaning you are seeing the floaters of your own eye.

Flashes occur when the vitreous gel grazes or pulls on the retina, causing a flashing light in the eyesight.

Flashes in your vision usually go away over time, taking up to six months.

Floaters, on the other hand, will stick around longer. They may gradually get smaller and less visible over a couple of weeks or months. However, the floaters will never completely disappear and will show up in certain light conditions.

Eye flashes are considered benign. Nevertheless, be aware that a sudden increase in flashes and floaters may indicate more serious eye problems, particularly in an older person.

In most cases, seeing flashes and floaters is a symptom of vitreous detachment, which is usually not a cause for concern. However, as the vitreous begins to separate from the retina, it may cause a tear in some instances. This can lead to the sudden appearance of flashes and floaters, which can have a serious impact on a person’s vision and require treatment.

In such cases, it is important to seek immediate medical attention from the Retinal Specilist  Ophthalmologist to prevent any long-term damage.

While stress itself may not be a direct cause of eye floaters or flashes, it can exacerbate pre-existing conditions. The deterioration of the vitreous humour is what causes the appearance of most eye floaters and flashes in the first place.

When the body is under stress, it releases a hormone called epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, which causes the pupils to dilate and can lead to eye strain. Eye strain, in turn, can worsen pre-existing conditions and cause floaters and flashes to become more noticeable.

Therefore, while stress may not be the root cause of these ocular phenomena, it can certainly play a role in their perceived intensity and frequency.

Award Winning Clinic in London

Clinica London is a leading ophthalmology and dermatology medical clinic. It has a sense of passion for helping patients. The clinic’s consultants are highly skilled professionals who have received British, European, and international awards in their respective fields. Clinica is honest and offers transparent treatment advice in a relaxed and comfortable environment.


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